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| Sandler Training in Milpitas, San Ramon & San Francisco | 408-314-7395 |

How We Work With Clients

Employees, managers and executives do not respond to training and coaching uniformly

Our assessment process determines who can sell, who will sell, who is “trainable”, potential for improvement/ROI, primary areas of focus and areas to de-emphasize. In addition to individual reports, the Overview (required for firms with multiple salespeople) identifies company trends and hidden weaknesses and cultures that are undermining key sales initiatives. The assessment process does not obligate either party to an on-going training relationship. (This is especially critical for firms that may have a small percentage of “trainable” consultants or salespeople.)

Company executives are debriefed on the assessments

Company executives are debriefed on the assessments (and Overview when applicable). Both parties mutually agree if on-going reinforcement makes sense and appropriate training and coaching agendas for “trainable” participants (i.e. consultants, salespeople and managers).

Training or coaching initiatives fail without sincere support from management

Managers must not only participate in specific segments; they must also agree to reinforce the fundamental concepts during their reviews, discussions with consultants, salespeople and prospective hires.

Changing habits and thought patterns

Changing habits and thought patterns with prospecting, closing, pricing and sales management is not a one time event. While we constantly introduce fresh concepts for salespeople or consultants, fundamental strategies are always reinforced to insure genuine change in technique, activity and attitudes for selling strategy or tactics.

Activity Tracking and Accountability

Goal setting is only as effective as the habits and activities generated to support the committed goals. Tracking specific activities reinforces goal commitments, confirms progress and establishes benchmarks for future employees and consultants.

Everyone learns at a different pace

Top performers, managers and executives usually learn at a faster pace and request advanced support quickly. Low performers (with potential) require more basic reinforcement and time to absorb concepts. Since top performers and managers learn faster, expect to see improvements with your top performers before you see improvements with your bottom performers. It’s unlikely that your bottom performers will ever entirely ‘catch up’ to your top performers.

ROI Analysis

Sales improvement must be measured in growth of sales, profitability, client retention and productivity. While most clients initially look for top line growth, there is more than one key metric to “good selling”. Length of sales cycle and improved pipeline management should also be closely monitored.